an informative zine about hitmen made by a schizophrenic person that thinks too much about the yakuza
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it takes skill to master the hatefuck
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a 1-page dice-based rpg offering different fantasy scenarios to role-play (mermaid, fairy, mecha, god)
time to be mentally ill in the yakuza. also this catgirl gives me terminal idiot disease
Interactive Fiction
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is it true that the only way to bring a hawk down to earth is to kill it?
the nature of the dead is to forbid the living
driving on wet, dark asphalt with the city lights beaming. the reflections of history in your mind.
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another naruto sex game, you don't say? (OBIKAKA)
Interactive Fiction
a game about game theory (chess/go); the inextricable relationship between sex/death/violence; and a pinky promise
Interactive Fiction
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a semi-autobiographical zine that is as true as you wish to believe
a hannibal inspired cookbook...of sorts
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nothing is exempt from resurrection: THE SWAMP RAMBLINGS OF A MAD SCIENTIST
Interactive Fiction
(king cradle, isn't that the mistress of the grave?)
Interactive Fiction
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VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ONLY TRUTH: a mafia au of jujutsu kaisen
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the sour taste of a red, bittersweet love
Interactive Fiction
RUN, GIRL, RUN. have mercy. (a yoshino junpei fangame)
Interactive Fiction
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VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ONLY TRUTH: surprisingly a naruto sex game (OBITO/KAKASHI)
Interactive Fiction
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what happens when you fuck someone whose guts you hate but also love
Interactive Fiction
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the last of the last eleven: the director, another seven
Interactive Fiction
swallow nine tails: in my heart i have placed seven nails
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the stars align to celebrate the birth of a wretched egg
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a traumatic/erotic JJK fushisuku fangame
Interactive Fiction
a JJK fangame about loving someone with DID (and being loved as someone with DID)
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YUZU RIND: a tale of unforgivable time. and of love, too. of love, too.
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common grace can be found in the fall of a warlord and the sacrifice (TWICE) of a war game
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who made the wish-maker?
a conversation between two operators in heaven. in the dark deep of heavensea.
Interactive Fiction
to be one in a million: exceptional, or wasted
Interactive Fiction
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Interactive Fiction
a collection of 2022 visual novel demos in the kocho engine for android
Interactive Fiction
dead mother of pearl, god above god...take it away from me, that thing he hates. even if it's me.
Interactive Fiction
fermentation is a healing process
Interactive Fiction
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