TW: 18+ loud chiptune opening track, NSFW , internalized homophobia, suicidal ideation,  histories of  drug addiction, violence, sexual assault, and CSA

what happens when you fuck someone whose guts you hate but also love

an alternate universe yuui from wretched star and strawberry sour where yuui and hotaru are kemonomimis (animal ears). hotaru is a wolf, and yuui is a rabbit. contrary to the popular "alpha wolf" misconception, wolves are incredibly loyal and fiercely cooperative pack animals. rabbits, on the other hand, are viciously hierarchical. rabbits are known for their dominance contests. 

yes, hotaru physically bigger than tiny rabbit-bodied yuui, but hotaru is also naturally submissive / cooperative due to that same wolf heritage when put up against a more dominant force, which is basically anyone

hotaru and yuui fucking hate each other's guts. but, they love each other too, so painfully deeply.

like yuuichirou says in an as-yet unrelated game, DOMINE: rival, tenteki, love sinks and holds its shape. hate floats like oil on the surface, and disperses. what this means is that love holds a lot of weight, and it's love that stays. love is heavy, it bears weight, but it holds its shape, and cannot be convinced to change it. hate floats like oil on water.

a personal challenge for this one was to render all the graphics using ms paint, as inspired by an ms paint jam, but they did not accept 18+ submissions, so here's this

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